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General Counseling Policies

Students are encouraged to take as many graduation requirement classes as possible in 9th and 10th grade so that they can elect career oriented courses or those of interest in grades 11 and 12.
Each year, students are expected to take a minimum number of credits. (Exceptions can be made only with the principal's permission)
  • Grade 09: 7 credits
  • Grade 10: 7 credits
  • Grade 11: 7 credits
  • Grade 12: 6 credits
Schedule Changes
During the spring students work with their counselors to select courses for the upcoming school year. Course requests are based on teacher recommendations, the student's high school pathway, and graduation requirements. Students should be careful and thorough in their schedule planning and review with parents, teachers and counselors.
Any requests for change of schedule or course requests should be made before the end of the current school year.
Academic Eligibility Policy - Extra Curricular Activities (Grades 9-12)
To be eligible for participation in sports and clubs a student must be registered in the school and taking a full course of classes approved Department of Public Instruction.  They must be passing at least five courses. Two of which must be in English, Math, Science, and Social Studies.
Seniors must be passing all courses required for graduation from high school to be eligible to participate.
If a student's report card shows that they are not meeting eligibility requirements, they are not allowed to participate in activities for the following marking period.  A student may earn credits in summer school to regain eligibility over the summer.